Brisbane life, our first 6 (or so) months

A seasonal journal entry written in the middle of our first winter back in Australia. Hello dear friends, its been such a long time since I wrote to you here in my seasonal journal! I have been talking for months about getting back into writing here, and today is the day. I can’t quite believeContinue reading “Brisbane life, our first 6 (or so) months”

Big News for The Fox and Dingo

Hello, It’s been at least 6 months since I last wrote in my seasonal journal. This growing season has flown by, and while I’ve been capturing what I can with my camera, I haven’t quite felt inspired to write, for one big reason in particular. This season has been wonderful. I am so happy toContinue reading “Big News for The Fox and Dingo”

Valentines Day & February Flowers

A seasonal journal entry reflecting on the sustainability of the floral industry, on Valentines Day Hello friends, I hope you’re having a cosy Sunday today. I’ve been out in the rain cutting Helleborus and foliage from our garden, which are now conditioning for our Valentines orders. It’s a wet, wild February day here in Salisbury,Continue reading “Valentines Day & February Flowers”

Our plans for this growing season, and some little winter joys.

A seasonal journal entry reflecting on winter joys and sharing our plans for 2022. Hello, and a very (late) happy new year! I hope you’re all well and having a good start to the year. It’s been a while since I wrote in this space, yet I really want to write and share here withContinue reading “Our plans for this growing season, and some little winter joys.”


A seasonal journal entry written in the final weeks of winter. February really is the month of ups and downs, backwards and forwards. Like a roller-coaster that gently climbs up toward a bright blue sky, then falls so fast straight back down to earth, with some twists and turns along the way. The early daysContinue reading “February”

Hello and Welcome

Thank you for joining us to read my very first blog post. For quite some time I’ve had the urge to write. I very much enjoy sharing my photography through Instagram. The words I put to those posts mean so much to me. I’ve been humbled with recent feedback from some of my lovely InstaContinue reading “Hello and Welcome”

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